color wheel
This week in ecomm we where told to make a color wheel. We went on adobe illustrator and made two triangles, one right side up and one up side down. The upside down one had to be dashed. Next we put small circles at the ends of the right side up triangle, and squares on the upside down one. Then between each circle and square, we put a triangle. Next, we filled in the shapes. The circles where primary colors, the squares where secondary colors, and the triangles where tersherary colors. Then we labeled the colors, and then we where done. In this project, we learned many things. One thing that we learned was what human minds thought when we saw each color. For example, blue means loyalty, and orange means confidence or bold. We also learned how to use basic things on adobe illustrator. We learned how to make shapes and lines, change colors, make dashed lines, line up everything evenly, hot keys, etc. For graphic design, knowing what different colors mean and to know the basics of adobe...