movie trailer
Before we started filming, we had to choose a movie, make a story bored, and more. we chose this one movie, but we didn't end up doing it. I made a story board for it and we got everything done for it. so before we started filming, everything was organized. next, the person filming got actors for the film so he could film over spring break. unfortunately i could not attend because i was out of town Unfortunately, he could not get any actors, but that did not stop us. he filmed random clips around the place where he works, amc, and we made our own movie trailer. we all edited our own video, so mine was a horror story. it just had scary music and eerie shots, so it worked well. when i edited it all together, as unorganized and unplanned this was, it came out okay. (this is what happens when we are not allowed to choose our groups). I did not watch my other groups videos yet, but the one thing good about this is that all three of ours will be unique. We where supposed to recreate ...