semester 2 final blog

My favorite project this year was the advertising project. We chose a band or artist and we made a poster about them, tickets, and post cards. This project took me around a month to do. Some challenges I faced was not being good at using the curve tool, and the picture I used for the poster was blurry. A new skill I learned was I now can use the curve tool semi well, and I learned how to use  InDesign better. Some of the feedback I got was that the colors I used looked kind of childish so I changed them too look better. With my original idea it was super chaotic and I changed it to be less like that. I feel like overall it could have been better but it wasn't bad.

Another one of my favorite projects was the vector project. we chose a picture of a family member, pet, or your self. I chose a picture of my cat. This project took me a while to do because I had to make a bunch of triangles and then color them in. Some challenges I faced was that I thought while coloring in that wherever you clicked it didn't matter as long as the right piece was selected but I was wrong. a new skill I learned is I now know how to put a graph on a picture and I know how to fill the picture with triangles and color them in. Some of the feedback I got was that I should make the triangles smaller so the picture was more detailed. My original idea was to do the one that uses the curve tool, but I didn't do that because I wasn't good at using that. I feel like overall this project was a success and I did really well.

My third favorite project from this class was the quote project. we picked four quotes and we liked best and we used typography and made graphics for it. This project did not take too long to do rather than the other two. Some challenges I faced was using good colors so I changed it many times until I found the colors that I liked. Some feedback I got was of corse the colors and how they didn't fit the quote. My original idea looked completely different from all of these quotes but I feel like they came out better. I think overall these came out pretty well.

If I finished projects early (which typically I didn't) I usually went around and looked at other peoples projects. it would give me an idea and sometimes I would un submit my project because I got an idea from looking at other peoples projects. I never did research on how to improve myself in this class because I always felt like graphic design wasn't really for me and I'm going into video. I often did critique my projects before I turned them in and I had my friends do that as well. Outside of class I usually volunteer to whatever opportunities I am given for endorsement hours and new learning experiences.

I feel like I have multiple strengths as an ecomm student. freshmen year for ecomm, I wasn't as invested as I am now. I am really invested in video because I enjoy editing them together and making stories. I enjoy handling the camera and learning new tricks from it. Another one of my strengths is I feel like I have a good vision for what I want to do before I do it. I can plan things out in my head before I start. tis has helped a lot with video and graphic design and will continue to help me throught my next two years as I go into convergence journalism.

I feel like there are so many things that I can improve one. first thing I can improve on is learning more about cameras. as of right now I feel like I can learn so much to improve the quality of the videos I make. for graphic design I feel like I could learn so much more about Adobe Illustrator. my technique could improve so much and I feel like it did a lot already so far this year. freshman year I couldn't event remember the name of the program we used to make our self logo. and all I could do was make shapes, type words, and color. now I can do so much more then just that.

I loved most of all this year the fact that we had freedom in what we created. I loved the feeling of being creative and learning how to make so many different things. I would change the fact that we only do projects. I feel like if we spent at least one day a week just learning about the history of graphic design and how better we can improve ourselves on it this strait of ecomm could be more successful. My goal is to be more focused and to talk less, because I seem to do that a lot and I think a lot of my projects could have been more successful. Overall this class was so great to be apart of.


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